Novavax Medical Information


If you are a Healthcare Professional in Canada, please switch to the Healthcare Professional Medical Information page.

If you are a Consumer in another country, please go back to country selection.

Information on the
NUVAXOVIDTM XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccine (Recombinant protein, Adjuvanted)
Novavax™ COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted (2023-2024 Formula)

If your enquiry is regarding the
NUVAXOVIDTM XBB.1.5 COVID-19 Vaccine (Recombinant protein, Adjuvanted)
Novavax™ COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted (2023-2024 Formula), you can find some useful information in the resource below.

Request Medical Information

Novavax is unable to provide medical advice regarding your health condition. Please consult your doctor, nurse or other healthcare provider, who is in the best position to advise you about the suitability of a particular treatment as they have access to the details of your medical history, as well as information on all medicinal products.

To ask Novavax Medical Information a question about a Novavax product please call
1 855 239-9172 between 9 h 30 et 21 h 30 HT.

Report an Adverse Event (AE)

If you are concerned about any potential side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the Package Leaflet. Alternatively, adverse events of serious concern in association with a Novavax product can be reported to the Health Canada at or calling toll-free at 1 855 239-9172 or via the web page on adverse reaction reporting:

Product Quality Complaints

If you would like to report a complaint regarding the quality of a product, you can access the Health Canada product complaint form via this link: